Internet Optimization in Fiji

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Choosing the right Internet in Fiji for your business can be confusing sometimes. We simply just want to do our work and want the internet responsive. We’re not downloading movies and don’t expect super quick speeds but still with achieving simple internet access, it can be troublesome.

Internet access and speed can be affected in your office by the internet package your have or the amount of people in the office sharing the internet connection. Whatever the problem is, we can provide a solution.

Dedicated Internet with Bandwidth limits

Sometimes it may be better to let go of the special business internet package you have because it usually has a limit to the bandwidth, such as a 1MB dedicated internet or 2MB dedicated internet package. The problem here is that when many people in the office want to access the internet at the same time, 1MB or 2MB may not be enough. The speed may be a dedicated 2MB however, if the amount of people at one time collectively accessing the internet is more than 2MB, then the people in the office will experience slow internet – such as 4 people in the office sharing a 2MB dedicated connection will be experiencing a 512Kb internet experience. So the 2MB connection is not as fast as labelled.

512Kb internet connections are from 10years ago!

Too many People sharing the Internet

Sometimes even without a limit of 2MB such as you have a 10MB connection, you may still have internet speed issues. It could be related to the Internet Provider’s network that may be having technical issues and so it affects your internet access – Or, it could be some people in the office maybe consuming more than necessary such as downloading movies or streaming multiple videos all at once for example from YouTube, Netflix and Facebook videos.

This is where we would need to limit some people from non-work related content or create a rule where if someone is accessing videos to have a reduced speed compared to someone working on Emails.

This is where our service here would be to provide advice, investigate and also implement solutions to manage this.

Multiple Internet Connections at once

Sometimes its not about reducing people’s access to internet, sometimes we just need to increase our internet capacity to cater for everyone. Based on our experience we can provide a solution whereby we turn a normal computer into a firewall and can connect multiple internet connections to the computer then allow for everyone in the office to have access to all Internet connections at once. Meaning once consolidated internet speed and bandwidth.

The end result is an optimal performing internet connection to the people in the office. The combined internet connections allow to cater for many people and also because internet access is shared amount the internet connections, it can improve speeds – the computer sharing the internet is able to select the most available connections to the give your internet.

Internet Redundancy

If one internet connection goes down, people still have internet through the other internet connections that are still active. When that internet connection is back online, people will notice the increased speed and efficiency again. This can be handled automatically by the computer sharing the internet.

Non Business Internet Packages

This solution of combining internet can also involve your normal home internet 4G pocket wifi or modem. It does not have to be a special internet connection.


Email Server

Webserver software today all mostly come with an Email Server capability. The webserver software we


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